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The beauty and grace of the Black-browed Albatross is breathtaking. The affection and care between birds, especially their chicks was delightful to watch. Gulls, shags (cormorants), petrels and skuas also patrolled the skies.

Before we realized that the wandering chick was a Skua, we told it to avoid becoming a Skua's lunch. It led us to its mother and another chick. She did not appear bothered by the distance the two would wander. On another occasion we were confronted by a very angry adult when we inadvertently came too close to its much larger chick. Bob's tripod protected his head.

Black-browed Albatross

Black-browed Albatross

Black-browed Albatross with chick

Black-browed Albatross greeting

Black-browed Albatross

Black-browed Albatross

Black-browed Albatross chick

Southern Giant Petrel

Southern Giant Petrel

Very shy and easily disturbed, Southern Giant Petrels 
are viewed from a distance on Sea Lion Island. This 
colony kept an eye on us but did not appear concerned 
as we stayed low in the Tussac-grass, well outside 
their personal space. The chicks stayed asleep.

Rock Shag/Cormorant

Rock Shag

Rock Shags live on steep cliffs over the water and 
were not at numerous as the Blue-eyed Shag which
often had huge colonies on level ground.

Rock Shag juvenile

Are you my mother?

Falkland Skua Chick

Falkland Skua and chick

Angry Falkland Skua

Imperial/King Cormorants grooming

Imperial/King Cormorant (Blue-eyed Shag)

Imperial/King Cormorant

Dolphin Gull

Kelp Gull and chick

Imperial/King Cormorant colony

West Point Island - The white specks all over 
the 600 foot cliff face are members of the 
Albatross & Rockhopper colonies

Linda & Robert Scarth


All images are copyright protected and may only be used with our permission.