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Raindrops on Maple Leaf

The Interconnected Web

The natural world is truly a place of wonder. It also consists of the resources that make possible and sustain life on earth: water, air, soil, plants, animals that make a land, a country. We know that it is necessary for we humans to husband and protect the physical world so that all species (including our own) can prosper and contribute to the web of life. Our spirits as well as our bodies will benefit.

We photograph the exquisite elements of the natural world to provide enjoyment to ourselves and others. We also want to bring attention to the places and fellow creatures that merit our knowing them and our relation to them. If soil degradation, air pollution, water contamination are hurting plants and animals, these conditions are also harming humans.

In one of his journals, Aldo Leopold mused about the difference between land and country. Land becomes country when it is occupied and used by all the creatures for which it is well suited. Our photography is about this conception of environment and looking after the 'country'.

We have long felt that it is unlikely that people will protect what they do not know.  In order to know and actively protect 'country', we think it is necessary to belong to (and support as best we can) local and national environmental organizations. We encourage you to learn more about these and similar environmental organizations, especially those dedicated to protecting your local 'country' in the present for the future.

Art also enriches lives so we are including several sites that we find useful. We like to visit museums to see how light reflects, refracts and falls on many subjects in all media. After all, as nature photographers, we live in a work of art.

Organizations to Support

Places to Visit

Selected Art Related Sites

Species Information

Linda & Robert Scarth
